Interested in submitting your work to our series? We invite manuscript submissions on a variety of topics related to women’s economic empowerment and economic growth.

GrOW Research Series
Advancing scholarly research on women's empowerment and economic growth.
Latest Works

Latest Working Paper
- Working Paper Title: Women, Irrigation and Social Norms in Egypt: "The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same?"

Latest Policy Brief:
- Title: Can Graduation Programs be Gender Transformative?

Latest Research Bulletin:
- Title: Issue No. 13 | Publish Date: 2020 January

Working Papers
Working papers are pre-publication versions of scholarly papers, aimed at stimulating public discussion of research and advancing scientific knowledge.
Policy Briefs
Policy briefs are concise documents that synthesize research results, with special attention paid to policy implications.
Research Bulletins
Research bulletins are bi-monthly publications featuring current news, research, interviews, and discussion pieces on women’s empowerment written by Canadian development scholars and practitioners.
Submit Papers
What We Do
The GrOW Research Series brings together scholarly research on women’s economic empowerment and economic growth in low-income countries, and provides a conceptual and empirical basis for policy-making. It is also the official research platform for the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program. This series is housed at the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID) at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
GrOW Documentary: Portraits of Empowerment
'Portraits of Empowerment' provides a snapshot of the impact of the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program, and gives voice to key beneficiaries in Kenya, Pakistan and Bangladesh.