


The Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) Research Series brings together scholarly research on women’s economic empowerment and economic growth in low-income countries. Through the dissemination of working papers, policy briefs and other original scholarship, our website serves as an online, open access platform to showcase current research with a view to promoting evidence-based policy-making.

We are also the official, though not exclusive, research platform for the Growth and Economic Opportunities for Women (GrOW) program, a multi-funder partnership between the UK Government's Department for International Development, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Canada’s International Development Research Centre. With 14 projects in 50 countries, the GrOW program works with researchers to improve economic outcomes and opportunities for poor women on the themes of employment, the care economy, and women’s economic agency. Each of these projects is generating new data on different dimensions of women’s economic empowerment, and the GrOW Research Series serves as a host, or repository, for this global body of evidence.

This series is housed at the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID) at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

Contact Us

GrOW Research Series
Institute for the Study of International Development
Peterson Hall, 3460 McTavish St.
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 0E6


Our Editorial Board

Information for Board Member:

Name: Dr. Kate Grantham

Title: Managing Editor, GrOW Research Series
Research Associate, Institute for the Study of International Development
McGill University

Information for Board Member:

Name: Dr. Sonia Laszlo

Title: Associate Professor, Economics
McGill University

Information for Board Member:

Name: Dr. Franque Grimard

Title: Associate Professor, Economics
McGill University

Information for Board Member:

Name: Dr. Kathleen Fallon

Title: Graduate Program Director and Professor, Sociology
Stony Brook University